

The Bureaucracy is the New Aristocracy.  For the past several decades the government bureaucracy, at all levels, has entrenched itself dramatically and demonstrably and remains largely unaccountable to anyone.  There is no meaningful  legal requirement to disclose information to the citizens.  Inquiries…


What’s interesting about estate planning is that it is one of the few things you can mess up and not pay the consequences. You can leave wealth to your beneficiaries and you can also leave problems.  Strange and unexpected things can happen…


The dramatic rescue of the Thai youth from that cave was absolutely incredible.  The competency of the Thai Navy Seal Team and the international divers is beyond expectation.  The organization and planning of the entire operation was like a space mission.  It…


The tax policies of our nation and your local community are the most important elements of your financial security.  How taxes are raised and spent impact everything, nothing is missed.  Physical security, energy, communication, mobility, health, education, opportunity, the value of life…


Although the Presidential tweets can be chaotic and disruptive, the tweeting is actually a great benefit to our society.  No America leader in modern times has been so communicative with the public.  He was elected because of that constant contact.  Hillary Clinton…

Estate Planning With Young Children

It does not always get the attention in financial and estate planning but it can be extremely important in the event of tragic circumstances.  Those circumstances occur when both parents die in a common accident, or one parent dies and the other…

Civil War

About two decades ago, a civil war started to brew beneath the surface of American society.  In 2008, a large segment of the citizenry openly declared war with the election of Barack Obama.  Then in 2016, another large segment retaliated with their…

The Cisco Kid

The Cisco Kid was a friend of mine.  Some of you may remember that as a verse from a song by the musical group WAR in 1972.  The song is about a character on a TV show.  I repeat; the Cisco Kid…

Life Is Special

As the Voyager 1 space probe left our solar system in 1990, it turned it’s camera around for one last picture of our home.  The Earth was described as a “pale blue dot”.  Carl Sagan eloquently memorialized that observation in 1994 with…