George Washington – I cannot tell a lie.

Donald Trump – I cannot tell the truth.

These are not actual quotes. Its the concept which is important because this is an incredible evolution in Presidential history and public morality.

George Washington was known to be very honest and with great integrity. These qualities of leadership as Commander in Chief obviously secured his troops serving under very difficult conditions. So many people trusted him, he became our first President. The cherry tree story was regularly taught in schools. This was joined with the lesson, “honesty is the best policy”. These lessons were used to instill a sense of virtue in our children. They exemplified the important cultural values that those at the time thought critical for the establishment of our nation and a legacy for our children. Later during WWll, the “Superman” catch phrase, “Truth, Justice and the American Way” was added. This was the character of our country. Truth is relatively easy although sometimes there is an obligation to provide actual evidence and logic. Trying to pass off pronouncements of opinion as truth is just another form of dishonesty. Justice is for all, not the egotistical perspective of one. What should be the American way?

We are reminded of these values with the recent passing of our former President Jimmy Carter. He may be the last President to have really lived these values. A long time friend said you could agree with Carter on everything but if you were not a good person, he would have no use for you. For what it is worth, Carter thought Trump would be a disaster for America. We will see.

How things have changed! Historically, it is a profound change in only a few hundred years. Many current leaders do not like these older established principles. Should these concepts be banned from schools and libraries?

To put it in context, imagine if the current standards would have applied just a few decades ago:

Nixon would not have been impeached and not forced to resign.

Gary Hart would have been President.

Clinton and Monica, Paula, etc. would not have been an issue and he would not have committed perjury.

Franken would have remained in the Senate.

Interestingly, Bruce Jenner could have “come out” earlier and gone on to win the heptathlon.

How much more corruption would there have been?

By the way, is it ok now to cheat at golf?

What about hard work? Now you can be appointed to prominent positions with little relevant experience or academic form qualifications.

What about Sunday services? Where in Christian theology does it say to honor and support a person with no Christian morals because you think that person may be able to get you what you want by being immoral? What about Christian revenge?

So under the new standards, it is acceptable to lie, deceive, cheat, and manipulate evil to achieve success. Perhaps it has always been that way and now comes to light? Maybe this way will work? Though how will we really know anything if the risks and costs are not understood due to a lack of honest and accurate disclosure and transparency.

The investment implications are enormous!

Meanwhile, now what do we teach our children?