As you know, water nourishes all life. Your investments also need water. In the financial ecosystem:

Truth Is Water. Therefore, to have the most productive lifestyle and investments, you must have a constant flow of honest, accurate and relevant information. Therein lies the problem.

Our politicians intentionally do not require themselves to be fiduciary to the citizens so they hide important information that should be public.

Our government officials, including the Federal Reserve Bank, do not want the responsibility of fiduciary to the citizens. They always hide important information that should be public.

Most corporations do not want any fiduciary obligation to anyone. With them, hiding important information is standard operating procedure.

The media pretends to be fiduciary to the citizens, but they are not. They hide a lot of important information that should be public.

The leaders of our military and legal system do not believe they have to be fiduciary to the citizens. They hide the most important information that should be public.

So to protect your family, you need to constantly demand disclosure of what should be public information. If not, you will have to develop the skill to understand and discern the information presented, what may be hidden and the implications of it all.

Otherwise, our lifestyle and investments will slowly wither away in an increasingly barren landscape. Ultimately, the dam will break, truth will flood and hopefully a better system will arise.

I will try to help you along the way.