We need a giant leap in democracy and freedom to grow the American Experience. Otherwise, we will stagnate and the concepts of personal choice and free markets will disappear.

The goal of all government is to hide information from the citizens. This is especially problematic for a society that advertises democracy, yet does not promote disclosure, transparency and accountability. The present course of America is at an inflection point as we diverge from the path that created our success.

The next step in our evolution is to mandate far greater disclosure and transparency from government and business. The hand recognized by Adam Smith was invisible, not ignorant. Free markets have been damaged by the serious lack of important information. The government and business withhold critical information that prevents positive economic outcomes for all.

National security has been left vulnerable by the very policies and practices that pretend to protect it. Assange and Snowden, although they may have gone too far in certain aspects, are essentially charged with telling the truth to the American people. This, while those who spread lies and falsehoods continue to broadcast. Who is really the more dangerous to national security?

Free speech has been infected with false speech which has been allowed to proliferate. That information is neither true, nor accurate, nor logical. It is certainly not moral. Remember morality? In a country that separates church and state, we were able to effectively evolve our public morality which is the foundation of America and the power behind our civil strength and economic prosperity.