Everyone invests with the popular. They focus on the good news about the investments. Companies and the media promote the appearance of the benefits of the investments.
To be consistently successful, one needs to research what may be considered negative news or even look for missing information. That is where to find the real measure of risk and the potential for opportunity. This type of information will not be publicized by the government, business or the media.
You should also concentrate on the entire financial ecosystem. Do not be overly preoccupied with your individual investments. In the end, everything is related on a grand scale.
While you are distracted by: ticker prices, who really won the election, bitcoin, tik tok and celebrity tweets, you are missing crucial understanding of the seriously important information of risk and opportunity:
A world of declining disclosure and inquiry
A world of exponential change
A world of growing inequality
Implications of Federal Reserve policies
Implications of government fiscal policies
Taxation disfunction
Geo Politics
These are the most important issues which will have the greatest impact on your financial plan and investment strategy.
For more information, read the article “Investment Success Redux”.