The dramatic rescue of the Thai youth from that cave was absolutely incredible.  The competency of the Thai Navy Seal Team and the international divers is beyond expectation.  The organization and planning of the entire operation was like a space mission.  It is truly amazing what can be done when people work together.

Kids trapped in deserts, kids trapped in jungles, kids trapped in camps, kids trapped in the U.S. immigration system.  Hundreds and in many cases thousands of kids in the Middle East, Latin America, Africa, Europe, North Korea and the U.S. border are trapped in various types of caves.

Henrietta Fore of the United Nations agency for children states that 25% of the worlds children are living in a country affected by conflict or disaster.  Child refugees are a growing demographic.  If not resolved, this will be a serious strain on the world economy.

Education is the ultimate rescue. Children are our greatest resource and the best investment.  We are missing a lot of opportunities.